
BSc (Hons) Cyber Security (Top-up)

Emily-Rose was impressed by the degree courses we offered for her career choice.

 She said:

“I decided to stay at NCD to study at the University Centre because I felt comfortable and knew my way around campus. I also felt supported by my tutors and knew I would continue to get this support if I studied my degree here.

“The degree was practical and hands-on and my tutors helped me to find relevant extracurricular activities which I succeeded at, including MOS and the WorldSkills competition. The computing facilities were to a professional standard, we had access to cyber equipment such as Autopsy and Read-Write devices for forensics.

“I am now studying for a PGCE and will become a teacher. Everything I have learned at New College Durham has prepared me to teach computing. I loved my time at NCD! I would definitely recommend NCD to anyone thinking about studying a degree.”

Emily-Rose will become a teacher after completing her PGCE.