
At New College Durham, we offer additional learning support to students with disabilities and/or learning difficulties. We are committed to providing a learning environment in which there is equality for all members of its community. We are committed to ensuring that you can achieve and progress in your education and are able to fully participate in college life.

We welcome applications from people with a learning difficulty, learning disability, disability, or any additional support need. We aim to provide the appropriate resources, facilities, and services to enable students to be successful in their chosen programme of study.

We offer a range of support for students up to Level 3. Please see our Higher Education offer to find out about the support we can offer our Higher Education students.

If you think you might need extra support, make sure you let us know as early as possible via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone us on 0191 375 4380.

We will put you in touch with our Access Advisers who provide tailored support, advice, and guidance for students with a wide range of additional support needs.  

Below, select the heading to explore what we offer here at New College Durham.

  • Access Advisers

    Providing tailored support, advice, and guidance for students with a wide range of additional support needs, our dedicated team of Access Advisers (AAs) are situated in our Learning Support hub. Located on the ground floor, this gives students better access to our experienced staff and support facilities.

    We will contact you to make an appointment and our Adviser will remain the main point of contact for the service. Advisers will meet you to carry out an initial assessment and discuss your additional support needs. They will chat through any previous support you may have had at school or college including previous exam access arrangements, and will talk you though what support is available to you at college. They will then tailor an appropriate support package specifically for you.

    This can include:

    • Personal Learning Coach support 
      • Assistive technology 
        • In class support 
          • Communication Support Worker (CSW) 
            • Support Need Screening. 
              • Maths and English support 
                • Medical and mobility support 

                • Supportive Personal Learning Coaches

                  Our Personal Learning Coaches provide personalised support and guidance to learners in college on an appointment basis. They use reflective questioning and target setting with students and encourage them to make positive progress to achieve their full potential.

                  PLCs cover all curriculum areas across the College and support is available to learners studying at any level. The team provide one-to-one support on a range of issues including the following:

                  • Study skills 
                    • Organisation & Time management 
                      • Transitional support 
                        • Managing College pressures 
                          • Motivation & confidence building 

                            There is a Drop-in Coaching and Learning Zone on the first floor of the digital learning hub. The Hub has quiet study spaces for students to access and a relaxing social space for students between lessons.

                            To find out more, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                          • Our assistive and adaptive offer

                            As a student at New College Durham, you have access to a range of useful assistive technology, including Office 365 and its accessibility tools.  

                            Our assistive technology appointments help you learn how to use the equipment and software we provide. We have a range of adaptive tools, equipment, and assistive technologies available.

                            We can offer:

                            • Loan of a digital recorder 
                              • Loan of reading pens 
                                • Hearing loop 
                                  • In-college loan of laptop – with specialist software 
                                    • Specific hardware and software recommended for you by other professionals involved in supporting you 

                                    • In-class support

                                      If your support package includes in-class support, you will be supported by a Learning Support Assistant (LSA). They provide support tailored to you using a range of tools and strategies, adapting to your needs, allowing you to access your learning opportunities.

                                      Some of the things our LSAs can help with:

                                      • Prompting to help you focus 
                                        • Note taking 
                                          • Understanding and explaining your task in stages 
                                            • Help you organise your study materials and manage your time 
                                              • Help you talk to your teachers 
                                                • Help you with technology or special tools for learning 
                                                  • Provide emotional support and encouragement 

                                                    If you are Deaf or have a significant hearing loss, we will provide in-class support with a Communication Support Worker (CSW).

                                                    They will sign for you, interpret for you, and help you in the same capacity as an LSA to ensure you can fully participate in learning.

                                                  • Support need screening

                                                    We have a specialist teacher who can provide advice and support if you have a specific learning difficulty (SpLD), have expressed concern about a SpLD or have been identified by teaching staff as possibly having an SpLD. They will, if required, conduct screening for your support need. This will be arranged by your Access Adviser.

                                                    If your support package recommends it, our specialist teacher will also deliver individually tailored 1-1 sessions to improve literacy.

                                                  • Medical & mobility support

                                                    Our campus is fully accessibleThere are lifts in all three buildings and several automatic doors. We provide a portable induction loop system. There are accessible toilets available on each corridor.

                                                    Should you have a medical condition please let us know and a medical management plan will be written for you.

                                                    We also ensure your safety in the event of an emergency evacuation or drill by writing you a Personal emergency evacuation plan.

                                                    We also have a medical room equipped with hoist, sling, bed and locked cabinets for medication.

                                                    To find out more, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                                                  • Maths and English Support

                                                    Should you need further support with maths and English, please let us know. We have a maths and English study hub and helpful online tools to develop your skills in your own time.

                                                  • Further information and policies

                                                  New College Durham is co-operating with local authorities to adhere to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (SEND) using our best endeavours to meet the needs of young people with special educational needs or disabilities. Visit Durham County Council’s Local offer page by clicking here. SEND provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and their parents or carers.