
BA (Hons) Social Work

Rachel expressed that the reputation of NCD’s University Centre was important to her.

She said:

“NCD and the degree had a very good reputation for being supportive and student focused. This felt important to me, given the course I wanted to study. The campus was also close to where I live which was a bonus.

“It’s a huge step to get back into education as a mature student. I was born in the 80s where further education was not encouraged so entering a supportive and nurturing environment made NCD the perfect fit. I didn’t feel like the college was too big either.

“I liked the feeling of studying with likeminded people and my tutors understood when I faced barriers. The course supported my understanding and the importance of the theoretical and academic approach to the role of a Social Worker. I still carry this approach with me in practice today. I benefitted from three high quality work placements where I received the support I needed to help me progress and qualify.

“I still link back to NCD today as I sit on the Social Work intake interview panel, as well as other panels as an independent.”

Rachel is now the Social Work Team Manager for Redcar Cleveland Borough Council.