
BSc (Hons) Computing with Networking

"I really liked my lecturers at Level 3 and there was an opportunity to progress to study for a foundation degree and top-up degree at the College, so I decided to stay on.

Rhiannon joined New College Durham at Level 3 and chose to progress to Level 6 to specialise her skills by completing an honours degree in computing with networking.

She said:

“I didn’t consider university as New College actually offered the courses I was most interested in - it was a huge bonus that I would be with the same lecturers, the courses were cheaper and I would still have access to the College’s free parking.

“I was able to talk to my lecturers about anything, the support was phenomenal. I received great advice and tuition from them all, they were motivating and just amazing!

“New College has provided me with a great foundation for a successful career, I took advantage of everything they had to offer, and I plan to gain as much experience as I can and build on that knowledge. I have had so many experiences that I would never have had without New College – I benefitted by being in a new environment and working on different sites and all of the BusIT weeks helped me to develop collaboration and decision making skills. I even received CV writing support.

“I miss New College – it was the best education experience I have had so far. I am now using my knowledge and skills at QA Consultancy, working as a Business Analyst.”

Rhiannon now works as a Business Analyst at QA Consultancy.