
Level 3 Media to BA (Hons) Film & Media Enterprise (Top-up)

Scott now runs his own video production business, MettsMedia.

Scott said he decided to study at NCD because of the lecturers and the location.

He said:

“The best thing about studying media at NCD was having the equipment readily available and how flexible it is. You decide what area you want to focus on based on which career you want so, for me, I wanted to go into film so for my final project at degree level I created a film whereas some of my classmates chose photography or music videos.

“At NCD’s University Centre, the teaching was almost one to one! I got great support throughout my time at NCD.

“Having gained the knowledge from class, I was able to start putting it into practice. I took every opportunity the college offered me, including the chance to work on film sets thanks to the connections of the media team and college.

“One of the tutors, Simon, organised a great work experience working on a short film which I really enjoyed.

“I am working self-employed as a videographer for my own business, MettsMedia. I have also been picking up freelance work with other videographers and film productions.”

Scott now runs his own video production business, MettsMedia.

Film and media graduate, SCOTT, makes waves in the industry