
BA (Hons) Counselling Studies (Top-up) 

"I was drawn to New College Durham because of the accessibility and the number of courses I had an interest in."

Shannon said she was initially drawn to studying at New College Durham because we offered a great range of courses that she was interested in.

She said:

“I had previously studied Access to HE and wanted to further my study of psychology or counselling. New College Durham offered a very appealing counselling course at a reasonable price compared to university. The timetable was also flexible which suited me as this wouldn’t infringe of my ability to work or spend time with my family.

“All of my tutors had a wealth of knowledge from experience working in the field they were lecturing in. They knew first-hand the ups and downs of the profession, not just the academics. The course was very inclusive, we all helped each other to complete coursework and there was a lot of peer support outside the classroom. I received exceptional academic support too. I feel like I got the same level of education at New College Durham as I would at university, if not better, as my lecturers were very knowledgeable and always willing to assist when I faced challenges.

“I found the work placements challenging but incredibly rewarding. I learned valuable lessons and my experience will be carried with me throughout my career – my placements were invaluable.

“I could not recommend New College Durham enough. It has been such a huge part of my education as well as my personal life. Everything I have learnt will stay with me as I further my knowledge and skills. I couldn’t have asked for a better place to have started my counselling journey. I intend to embark on a masters degree and work full-time in my chosen field, specialising in end of life counselling and bereavement.”