
Find out if you are eligable for supported travel and bursary.

A bursary can cover the cost for:

  • Travel for either a Go North East or Arriva bus pass or travel refund if a bus pass is not the most cost effective or convenient option for travel to College
  • Top up free meal entitlement to £5 per day
  • If you were not entitled to free meals at school, you can use your bursary fund for up to £5 per day of study
  • Out of hours support for mileage (due to onward travel disruption/delays or no service) i.e. requirement to stay at college outside normal hours or travel to/from placement
  • Kit, equipment, and uniform (a contribution) towards costs for computers and PCs where essential to support studies
  • Stationery from our media store and only stationery relevant to the course being studied
  • Support for examination preparation (e.g. study guides, additional stationary etc)
  • Support for Industry Placements and work placements (purchase uniform, additional travel costs and lunch)
  • Educational visits and trips (only supported when directly linked to the course being studied)
  • UCAS application
  • Specialist books/journals required for programme of study

Support is given in kind, no cash payments are made. 

Any support given does not need to be paid back unless a student subsequently leaves or withdraws from their programme then the college may seek to recover costs.

Please note if you have already applied for bursary support you do not need to apply again.


If you are a new student and haven’t studied at New College Durham before, click here to apply.

If you are a returning/continuing student and had a bus pass last academic year, click here to apply.

  • Bursary Support

    Bursary Support

    For all bursaries, please note students must:

    • Identify at application what educational support may be required to engage in studies
    • If circumstances change in year, you must inform the Access Fund Office as soon as possible as there may be further support available
    • Evidence to accompany applications must be submitted within 42 days of Access Fund requesting this information, failure to do so may result in support being withdrawn
    • If evidence is not submitted, it would result in the application not being processed

    The college will ensure:

    • That actual financial need and eligibility are assessed at the point of application and awarded accordingly
    • Students only receive the support they need to participate in their studies
    • Students can apply for support at any point in the academic year 2024/25
    • Support is awarded upon students meeting eligibility stated within the application form
    • Limited funds are distributed to those students with greatest financial need
    • Students are encouraged to apply for bursary support each year
    • Bursary support is awarded to those students with high levels of attendance and are up to date with studies, assessment and/or assignments as per the college attendance policy

    16 to 19 Discretionary Bursary

    To be eligible for this bursary you must be:

    • Enrolled on a full-time course for the 2024/25 academic year.
    • Have a gross household income including benefits of less than £60,000 in the previous tax year 2023/24.

    Bursary support will be allocated based on your actual need and we will use household income as per below to determine this, i.e. Students with household income in tier 1 may receive more support than students with household income in tier 3.

    • Support will only be awarded to students who have a household income of £60,000 or less.
    • Students on apprenticeship programmes, any waged training, or are employed are not eligible to apply for the 16 to 19 bursaries.

    Support will be provided based on the following tiers.  Students whose household income falls in tier 1 will receive more support than those in tier 3.

    Tier 1 - is £16,190 gross per annum or less.

    Tier 2 - is greater than £16,190 and less than or equal to £32,000 gross per annum or less.

    Tier 3 - is greater than £32,000 but less than or equal to £60,000.

    Vulnerable Bursary

    To be eligible for this bursary you must be:

    • in care
    • care leavers
    • receiving Income Support or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves, or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them such as a child or partner
    • receiving Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit

    Please note contact will be made via a 121 meeting with you to determine your actual need.

  • 19+ Bursary

    19+ Bursary

    If you are aged 19 or over when you start your full-time course, and your household income is below £32,000, you may be eligible for support.

    Full-time students aged 19 and above on the 31st August 2024 with a household income below £32,000 may be eligible for bursary support.  The fund is in place to ensure the College;

    • Supports students to engage and participate in their studies and allow for them to remain in education.  
    • Assesses a student’s actual financial need through checking students’ eligibility for support when applying for bursary support.
    • Limited funds are distributed effectively and efficiently to those students with the greatest financial need.

    It is important that you indicate on your application form the support that you may require to enable you to engage in your studies.   The College will conduct an assessment to determine the actual support that a student may need to engage in their education.  The following support is available through this scheme.  Support could include (but is not restricted to);

    • Enhanced support for college meals
    • Travel
    • Kit, equipment, and uniform
    • DBS
    • Visits and trips
    • Specialist books/journals required for programme of study

    There is no automatic entitlement to bursary support, travel or childcare and each application will be assessed on a first come first served basis. Support will only be provided to those students with greatest financial need and while funds are available, early application is encouraged.

    To be eligible, you need to attend college regularly, stay up to date with your course work, and adhere to college conduct guidelines.

    Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions about your application. 

  • Supported Travel

    Supported Travel

    Our supported travel scheme will help with costs towards travelling to college. 

    Support will be provided as follows:

    • Fully funded - household income is less than £60,000 and have applied for bursary support
    • Contribution of costs required - household income is greater than £60,000 but less than £99,999, a contribution of £75 must be made and evidence of household income provided
    • Household income over £99,999 – not eligible for support

    Travel support is in place for:

    • Full-time Further Education Students Only
    • Students aged 16 or over but under 19 at 31 August 2024
    • Aged 19 or over on 31st August 2024 with an Education Health Care Plan
    • Aged 19 or over on 31st August 2024 and continuing a study programme that you started aged 16 to 18 (19+ continuers)
    • Enrolled on a full-time course as defined by New College Durham
    • Live more than 2 miles from (College to your home address or home address to College)


    Support is provided through:

    • Arriva - app or travel card
    • GNE - app or travel card


    Travel refund – on production of bus tickets – refunded via BACS into students bank.

    Once your application is approved you will receive further instructions.

    pdf Travel Scheme Terms and Conditions 2024-25 (60 KB)

  • HE Hardship Bursary

    HE Hardship Bursary

    HE students with a household income below £32,000 may be eligible for financial support.

    If you qualify for this academic year there will be three payments made one per term. The value of the payment will be determined by the funding allocation provided to the college

    To be eligible, you need to attend college regularly, stay up to date with your course work, and adhere to college conduct guidelines.

    Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name and address, programme of study and support you wish to apply for. 

    pdf HE Hardship Fund (110 KB)

pdf Further Education Access Fund Policy  (388 KB)
pdf Higher Education Hardship Fund Policy (171 KB)