In our Students’ Charter, we set out our commitments to you and also what we ask of you in return, so that together we can make New College Durham a great place for you to study and learn.
Please see our University Centre Terms and Conditions for specific contractual detail.
Our Commitments to You
- To make entry onto our courses as easy and fair as we can
- To provide high quality courses that meet the needs of our students
- To provide high quality student support services
- To operate fair and effective procedures for feedback and appeals
We aim to make entry onto our courses as easy and fair as we can
We will do our best to
- Provide full and accurate information about our courses and other services
- Respond promptly and appropriately to all requests for information
- Implement an equal opportunities policy that is widely communicated
- Process course applications quickly and fairly
In return we ask you to
- Take note of the information provided about your course and in the Student Handbook
- Ask our staff at an early stage if there is anything you do not understand
- Attend punctually any selection interview or assessments for your course
- Keep us informed of your intentions when you are offered a place on a course
- Provide full and accurate information on application forms and enrolment forms
- Inform the college of any changes to your personal circumstances
We aim to provide high quality courses that meet the needs of our students
We will do our best to
- Keep our courses under review to ensure they match the needs of our students
- Respond to suggestions from students, employers and others for new courses or new units
- Provide you with a schedule of important dates and deadlines for your course
- Develop our staff, facilities and resources to meet your needs in college
- Ensure that all staff providing advice and guidance are aware of progression routes from courses
- Help you to take responsibility for managing your own learning
- Give you regular and constructive feedback on your progress
- Raise the levels of students’ achievements across all programmes
In return we ask you to
- Behave in a way which respects the needs and aspirations of others to learn, teach and live within the community of the college
- Give us feedback to help us to improve our courses and services
- Attend lectures and other events which you are scheduled to attend regularly and punctually
- Inform the appropriate member of staff as soon as possible if for any reason you are unable to attend a lecture or other scheduled event
- Undertake coursework diligently and submit all assignments on time to your tutors
- Show due courtesy to college staff, other students and visitors
- Familiarise yourself with the college’s health and safety regulations, comply with those regulations and act at all times with due regard for your own safety and that of others
- Respect the property of the college
- Support staff and other students in the maintenance of a clean and tidy environment throughout the college
We aim to provide high quality student support services
We will do our best to
- Provide effective information and guidance both before and during courses
- Offer you an induction programme
- Offer you personal development support throughout your course
- Make available a range of services through ASC (Advice Support Careers),including careers, funding advice, personal counselling services and support
- Give you advice about the specialist equipment and support available to help with your studies
- Make all buildings accessible to all students, wherever practicable
- Publicise the available financial help (including Learner Support and Access to Learning Funds, bursaries and childcare) and make the applications and appeals procedures straight forward
- Provide a programme of careers education and guidance activities appropriate to your needs
In return we ask you to
- Seek help when you need it
- Take advantage of the support offered
- Attend all personal development sessions and reviews
We aim to operate fair and effective procedures for feedback and appeals
We will do our best to
- Publicise and operate a clear and effective system for receiving and acting upon comments, suggestions and complaints
- Operate a fair system of academic appeals
In return we ask you to
- Discuss issues in the first instance with your course tutor or course leader
- Follow our procedures if you wish to make a complaint, comment, suggestion or appeal
- A separate leaflet called Procedures for Complaints, Comments and Suggestions is available at all reception areas in the college and in the Students’ Union, which provides full information about what to do if:
- You have an idea or suggestion you would like us to consider
- You have any concern about the services you have received from the college
- You wish to make a complaint
- You are not happy about any aspect of your course