The Office for Students (OfS) is the regulator for English Higher Education, it aims to ensure that we are delivering positive outcomes for all students. New College Durham is on the OfS Register, which means we meet their requirements to be a registered Higher Education Provider.
About Registration with the Office for Students
Academic Regulations
- 2024/25
pdf Section A Regulatory Principles Governing the Award of Foundation Degree (105 KB)
pdf Section B Design Approval Validation Monitoring and Review of Foundation Degree (155 KB)
pdf Section C Regulations Governing Assessment and Progression (158 KB)
pdf Section D External Examiners NCD Regulations (133 KB)
pdf Section E Regulatory Principles Governing Recruitment and Admission to Programmes (106 KB) -
pdf Section A: Regulatory Principles Governing the Award of Foundation Degree (307 KB)
pdf Section B: Design Approval Validation Monitoring and Review of Foundation Degree (420 KB)
pdf Section C: Regulations Governing Assessment and Progression (384 KB)
pdf Section D: External Examiners NCD Regulations (296 KB)
pdf Section E: Regulatory Principles Governing Recruitment and Admission to Programmes (127 KB) -
Section A: Regulatory Principles Governing the Award of Foundation Degree
Section B: Regulations Governing the Design, Validation, Approval and Review of a Foundation Degree
Section C: Regulations Governing Assessment and Progression
Section D: Regulations relating to External Examiners
Section E: Regulatory Principles Governing Recruitment and Admission to Programmes
The Open University regulations
These Regulations apply to all new student cohorts leading to an Open University (OU) validated award with effect from 1st September 2023 (or earlier if deemed appropriate by the Partner institution and the OU).
Regulations for the validated awards of the Open University
(610 KB)
Open University Student Guide
BTEC Higher Nationals Centre
Download the BTEC Higher Nationals Centre Guide to Quality Assurance and Assessment 2024/25
HE Hardship Bursary
The Higher Education Hardship Fund is available to provide help to those students with genuine financial needs relating to their course of study.
Please download a document HE Hardship Fund (63 KB) application form or for further information please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Access & Participation
The Higher Education and Research Act 2017 (HERA) requires all providers of Higher Education in England that charge above the basic tuition fee cap to have an approved Access and Participation Plan. In accordance with HERA, New College Durham has taken all reasonable steps to fully comply with these requirements.
New College Durham has published an Access and Participation Plan (APP) approved by the Office for Students (OfS) that describes our commitment to widening participation. We are committed to being a place where learning and working exists in an environment that advances equality of opportunity, celebrates diversity and allows everyone to achieve their fullest potential.
pdf NCD APP Summary 2025/26 (184 KB)
pdf Access and Participation Plan 2025/26 (370 KB)
pdf Access and Participation and Plan 2019/20 (451 KB)
pdf Impact Report for 2019-20 (146 KB)
pdf Access and Participation Plan 2020-21 (343 KB)
pdf Access and Participation Plan 2023-24 (Summary) (81 KB)
pdf Access and Participation Plan 2023-24 (346 KB)
Fee Summary 2021/22
(116 KB)
Fee Summary 2022/23
(123 KB)
Fee Summary 2023/24
(32 KB)
Fee Summary 2024/25
(36 KB)
The Access and Participation Plan replaces previous Access Agreements which remain in force for students who started their course before 2018-19. Previous Access Agreements are available to view below:
Access Agreement 2018-19
(62 KB)
Access Agreement 2017-18
(63 KB)
Students also benefit from a dedicated HE Student Handbook, accessible online.
Student Protection Plan
The Student Protection Plan sets out what students can expect should a course close. All Higher Education providers registered with the OfS must have a Student Protection Plan in place. You can access New College Durham’s Student Protection Plan below:
Student Protection Plan 2024/25
(163 KB)
Student Protection Plan 2023/24
(160 KB)
Student Protection Plan 2022/23
(178 KB)
Student Protection Plan 2021/22
Student Protection Plan 2020/21
Student Protection Plan 2019/20
Transparency Return 2021-2022
The information published below shows:
The number of students who attained a particular degree or other academic award, or a particular level of such an award, on completion of their course with us.
It shows these numbers by reference to:
- The gender of the individuals to which they relate
- Their ethnicity
- Their socioeconomic background.
Transparency Return 2021 2022
(92 KB)
Transparency Return 2020-2021
(93 KB)
Transparency Return 2019-2021
(97 KB)
Transparency Return 2018-2019
Applications, Offers, Acceptances and Registration Data (AOAR) 2018-19
The AOAR information published below shows:
- The number of applications for admission onto recognised, undergraduate higher education courses received from UK domiciled applicants.
- The percentage of offers we made in relation to those applications.
- The percentage of those offers accepted.
- The percentage of applications which led to those registering with us.
pdf Transparency Return 2018-2019 (115 KB)
Attainment Data 2017-18
The attainment data published below shows:
- The number of students who registered and went on to complete their course with us.
- The number of students who attained a particular degree or other academic award and the percentage of each classification awarded.
pdf Transparency Return 2017-2018 (95 KB)
New College Durham policies and procedures
document Academic Appeals Application (44 KB)
pdf Academic Appeals Guide (88 KB)
pdf Academic Appeals Policy (292 KB)
pdf Academic Integrity Charter (100 KB)
pdf Academic Integrity Policy (121 KB)
pdf Academic Malpractice Procedure (233 KB)
pdf HE Admissions Appeals Policy (115 KB)
pdf HE Admissions Policy (136 KB)
document Application for Mitigation (49 KB)
pdf Assessment Board Management Policy (206 KB)
pdf Fitness to Practise Policy (254 KB)
pdf HE Admissions Procedure Flowchart (125 KB)
pdf HE Withdrawals Policy (113 KB)
pdf HE Suspension of Studies Policy (140 KB)
pdf Higher Education Fees Sanctions Policy until 31 October 2022 (170 KB)
pdf Higher Education Fees Sanctions Policy from 1 November 2022 (77 KB)
pdf Procedure for the Consideration of Extenuating Circumstances/Mitigation (93 KB)
Refund and Compensation Policy
pdf Recognition of Prior Learning Policy (174 KB)
pdf Student Engagement in Learning Policy (242 KB)
pdf Student Guide Programme Transfers (1.87 MB)
document Student Transfer Procedures (33 KB)
pdf Suspension of Studies - Student Guidance (1.55 MB)
pdf Tuition Fees Policy (77 KB)
document University Centre Terms and Conditions (108 KB)
pdf HE Withdrawal Procedure (125 KB)
pdf HE Withdrawal Procedure (Sponsored Student Exception) (106 KB)