
We are incredibly proud that our courses have been awarded Higher Technical Qualification (HTQ) status by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. 

  • What is a HTQ?

    Higher Technical Qualifications have been developed by awarding bodies in collaboration with employers and businesses to ensure students receive specific high-quality training to gain the knowledge and skills needed to progress in their chosen sector. 

    As new or existing Level 4 and Level 5 qualifications (such as Foundation Degrees and HNDs), HTQs meet occupational standards for the relevant sector and therefore have been approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education to have HTQ status. 

    Learn more about HTQ Degrees.

  • Who are HTQs for?

    Higher Technical Qualifications are for you if you are:

    • Aged 18 and over
    • Looking to retrain or upskill
    • Focused on gaining the knowledge and practical experience needed for a skilled job
    • A more practical learner 
    • Excited about studying an employer-led course
    • Interested in progressing to further study or training








    Need help accessing the skills you need to get the job you want? Gain skills for life with support from the government.

  • What can I study?

    The first approved Digital courses below were delivered from September 2022:

    Construction and Health & Science will follow in 2023 and then a full roll-out will commence over a four-year period.

    The following areas are open for approval in cycle two and cycle three of submissions:

    • Business and Administration
    • Education and Childcare
    • Engineering and Manufacturing
    • Legal, Finance and Accounting.
    • Catering and Hospitality
    • Creative and Design
    • Hair and Beauty
    • Care Services
    • Sales Marketing and Procurement

  • Benefits of employer engagement

    We have developed strong links with employers to offer high quality technical courses that are designed to provide training that reflects the local needs of businesses, supporting them to build a qualified workforce.

    HTQs are a high-quality alternative to other popular experience-focused routes, such as apprenticeships, traineeships or degrees.