

The six-minute virtual tour, showcasing key campus areas, was created by media students and hosted by performing arts students, providing a unique and immersive experience for the judges.

The video takes viewers on a comprehensive journey through the college's cutting-edge facilities, highlighting key areas such as T.H.E. HUB (Technical and Higher Education Hub), the North East Institute of Technology and its building information modeling suite. The tour also features the employer hub, a vital resource for NCD to connect with potential employers and explore opportunities.

The project not only serves as a testament to the collaborative spirit of the students but also demonstrates the college's commitment to innovation in education. Filmed with precision and creativity, the video offered the AoC Beacon Awards judges a firsthand look at the college's facilities, fostering a deeper understanding of the institution's dedication to excellence.

NCD has been recognized as a finalist for the AoC Beacon Award - the City & Guilds award for College Engagement with Employers. This prestigious accolade celebrates the best practices and outstanding contributions of further education colleges across the UK. The video tour played a crucial role during the finalist assessment day, where judges were able to virtually explore the college and evaluate its achievements.

Speaking about the initiative, Alison Maynard, Deputy Principal, said: "This video tour is a reflection of the talent and ingenuity present within our student body. We believe it provided the AoC Beacon Awards judges with a comprehensive and engaging perspective on what makes NCD stand out as a beacon of excellence in education."

The video was presented during the assessment day, allowing judges to gain valuable insights into the college's facilities, culture, and commitment to student success. The use of multimedia elements, coupled with the dynamic hosting by performing arts students, added an extra layer of creativity and authenticity to the presentation.

You can watch the video here: 

Cast: Lily Storey, Anouska Moscrop-Brown 

Crew: Bailie Grimes, Emily-Jane Rogerson, Hailie Warren, Emma Taylor, Mitchell Saunders

Editor: William Edwards