

Calling Industry Experts: Join the Education Sector and Make a Difference with New College Durham's Innovative Lecturer Development Programme.

New College Durham (NCD) is taking an innovative approach to addressing the skills gap in education by introducing two new Lecturer Development Programmes to support newly appointed teaching staff at the College. Kellie Wilson, Assistant Principal (Quality Enhancement) at New College Durham introduces the new programme and how it will benefit both students and those looking to make the move into teaching…

Brand new to teaching? 

The first programme is designed to encourage staff from industry who have no (or very limited) teaching experience to join NCD in teaching roles. This programme provides training in teaching techniques and supported teaching hours. During the first week there will be no teaching hours with support coming through a robust programme that includes coaching, shadowing and guidance on planning along with a more general induction to the college environment, systems and processes. Then teaching hours would incrementally be introduced in the following weeks. The number of teaching hours each week would be dependent on the individual as the programme is tailored to meet their experience and needs. Alongside teaching during this period, there would be further shadowing, coaching and induction activity.  

New to NCD? 

The second programme is specifically designed for staff members who have some teaching experience but are new to New College Durham. This programme allows new staff a period of embedding and development, to allow for transition both personally and professionally. The support includes a detailed schedule for the staff member in understanding New College Durham’s systems and processes, along with mentoring and coaching to support staff as they adjust to their new roles and develop the skills and knowledge needed to be successful at NCD.

Both programmes are tailored to the individuals’ needs and level of experience. They provide an exciting opportunity for staff to join New College Durham, embark on a career within teaching and make a difference to the lives of our students. 

Why have NCD developed the Lecturer Development Programme? 

By recruiting staff with recent industry experience and providing a supportive environment for those who are new to teaching, the college can ensure that students receive an education that prepares them for their future careers with the knowledge, skills and behaviours they need to succeed.

Staff members with industry experience bring a wealth of knowledge and insights to the classroom, providing a unique perspective that can help students understand how to apply the knowledge they learn in the classroom in real-world situations. Additionally, our staff members with teaching experience can provide valuable guidance and support to new staff as they adjust to their new roles and develop the skills and knowledge needed to be successful teachers.

New College Durham's innovative approach to recruitment and professional development ensures that students receive an education that is relevant to industry whilst providing staff members with the tools they need to be successful teachers. By providing support and development opportunities for staff who are new to teaching, NCD can ensure a smooth transition for both staff and students and create a positive and supportive learning environment that fosters growth and development.

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