

Students Amber Turner Smith Sophie Hughes Chris GibsonVisual arts and graphic design students, Amber Turner Smith, Sophie Hughes and Chris Gibson were given the live design brief to create a piece that would work on a range of products.

Durham Cathedral wanted to reflect local student talent and support the funding raising efforts of the Cathedral by giving our degree students this fantastic opportunity.

Members of the Durham Cathedral enterprise team gave the students feedback on their designs and challenged them to think about real life situations, such a versatility to manipulate their design onto products made from different materials.

Amber Turner Smith Sanctuary RingBillie Carlisle-Ogden, Durham Cathedral gift shop manager; Hannah Ellis, head of enterprise; and Andrew Usher: chief officer for visitor experience and enterprise worked through the final designs and chose the winners.

Well done to Amber, Sophie and Chris – their pieces showcasing the cathedral’s Rose Window or Sanctuary Ring will feature on a range of mugs, bags, candles, scarves and more.

Danielle Gabriele, Programme Leader at NCD, commented:

“The collaboration with the cathedral has been enriching for the students. The students demonstrated an impressive unwavering enthusiasm and were diligent in their pursuit of excellence in response to the client’s direction.”

Chris Gibson Rose Window DesignHannah Ellis, head of enterprise at Durham Cathedral said that working with the college had helped to celebrate the local community and talent. She said: "It’s been such an enjoyable process to see the students enthusiastically engage with the project and I am beyond impressed with the results and very excited for visitors to be able to see these wonderful products."

Head down to the cathedral giftshop to see their ranges.