

Lee Baum Green Skills Manager 2022New College Durham is delighted to announce the appointment of Lee Baum as Green Skills Manager.

The role of Green Skills Manager was introduced to lead the college’s green skills curriculum and manage the delivery of high-quality learning opportunities for all students and employers across this curriculum area with an emphasis on sustainability and green technology.

Lee has a long history with New College. He originally attended the college to study carpentry and joinery as part of his apprenticeship. He then spent 10 years working for a local construction company before returning to New College to study an assessor’s qualification. Once qualified, Lee was appointed as Carpentry and Joinery Tutor Technician at the college, a role he enjoyed for 4 years. After a brief spell as a lecturer at another college, Lee returned to NCD to take on a full-time lecturing role and was course leader for the level three advanced site apprentices.

Lee said: “Being involved with this role from its infancy is a very exciting prospect. I am really looking forward to working with current and new staff in the department, working collaboratively to navigate this new and exciting sector of industry. I am confident that in time, both myself and the college will make a big impact on pushing towards the net zero target, making, creating and establishing many new and exciting courses and connections along the way.”

Ashley Deane, Head of Construction, Automotive & Plumbing at New College Durham, said : “We are delighted to appoint Lee to the position of Green Skills Manger. There are currently major changes taking place in construction as vastly improved technology is integrated into the industry. Companies have also been inspired by government’s green agenda and the push for carbon net zero by 2050 so are adapting their materials and processes to allow them to operate more ethically. The role aims to incorporate green skills into the college’s already vast array of available courses to ensure that north east learners, current employers and employees are as prepared as possible for industry changes to lower their carbon output.”